Me againI like to travel. I like to entertain, and I love to eat. But best of all, I like to write. I always have. Whether it’s letter, a book or a proposal, when I’m tapping on my keys, I’m in my sweet spot.

I actually wrote my first novel in seventh grade. It was a Nancy Drew mystery (I hope Carolyn Keene will forgive me) and my friends devoured it with pleasure–a major thrill for a twelve year old. By the time I was sixteen, I had settled on confession stories as my entrée into the publishing world.  Since I had nothing to confess, I became a big fan of the ellipsis. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a publisher who was as fond of that punctuation as I was–and so I collected a pile of rejection slips. I pinned those slips to my bedroom curtains and as they fluttered in the breeze, well…

But I never stopped writing and over the years, I’ve produced 6 books, dozens of magazine and newspaper pieces, scores of kid’s poems, tons of corporate stuff, lots of schlock, and maybe thousands of shopping lists.

My biggest success was The Fitness Myth—a Canadian best seller with 5 lives under 5 different imprints in the U.S. and abroad. My proudest accomplishments are my kids’ poetry scattered in schoolbook readers across the globe, and my book of poetry: My Soul’s Delight. The publisher thought it was too good not to publish, but when it came to distribution, I was on my own. I decided to forget about distribution and give it to friends. If you want to read it, it’s in the University of Alberta’s library. It’s at the University of Toronto’s library too. Or I suppose you could email me. I have a box of them in the basement.

And now you can order your copy of my latest book published by University of Toronto Press, The Talent Revolution: Longevity and the Future of Work by Lisa Taylor and Fern Lebo at or Barnes & Noble.

My next book is a novel: Far from Eden. It’s a sci-fi/thriller with a touch of horror and so far, the reader reviews are fantastic. Now, if I can just find an agent…